The user manual, description of functions and training examples are installed together with the program. The help is called through the user interface, the help files and examples are located in the installation directory of the program.
Presentation on Turbo Research & Design
Presentation on ThermoGTE
Presentation on Concepts NREC
Presentation on Numeca
Useful materials: We offer you original articles and presentations from the Numerical Calculations Russia company. Articles and presentations of an applied nature on the design and calculation of the characteristics of various types of blade machines: compressors, gas turbines, steam turbines, hydraulic turbines, pumps, turbochargers, expansion machines, etc
Useful materials
Presentation on ThermoGTE
Presentation on Numeca
Presentation on Concepts NREC
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Presentation on Turbo Research & Design
We offer you original articles and presentations from the Engineering Center for Numerical Research company. Articles and presentations of an applied nature on the design and calculation of the characteristics of various types of blade machines: compressors, gas turbines, steam turbines, hydraulic turbines, pumps, turbochargers, expansion machines, etc.
Useful materials